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How does it work

Instructions for use

  • Signing an electronic contract
    Through our system, you can easily contract with your partners online. The following guide shows you how to sign this contract through our system.
  • Sending login link - unable to log in?
    If you are unable to log in to your account, you have the option to send a one-time login link to the email address provided during registration.

Business use


  • Our integration partners
    Discover new areas of application and use. Connect your existing devices to the Eszerződé system.
  • Salesautopilot integration
    With SalesAutopilot, you can coordinate different softwares and processes. From now on, as well, providing a uniform, legendary customer experience to its interested parties and customers.
Frequently asked Questions
Frequently asked Questions

A time stamp proves that a given document already existed at a given moment in time, data that contains the imprint of the time-stamped document and the date of the time stamp. These are authenticated by a timestamp service provider with its own signature. They play a particularly important role in our system, since the electronic signature is only "irrefutable" if it can be proven before which date the signature was created.
A time stamp enables the authentication of a contract, so you can create as many contracts in our system as you buy time stamps. The price includes archiving and storage costs. The time stamp packages can also be purchased separately:
Buy a time stamp

Is the contract made on considered written?

At the end of the contract-making process, provides the highest qualified signature and time stamp issued by a trusted service provider to its contracts, the contents of which cannot be modified, thus becoming written in the conceptual framework of the Civil Code.
Paragraph (3) of Section 6:7 sets technology-neutral conditions for establishing the written quality of legal declarations made in a different way from traditional writing, when it stipulates that the legal declaration must be considered written down even if it is communicated in a form suitable for recalling the content contained in the legal declaration unchanged, identifying the person making the declaration and the time of making the declaration.

Does provide a trust service?

Our system is not a trust service provider and does not perform such activities, but uses the services of trust service providers in order to be able to produce closed and verifiable electronic contracts.

Is signature protection a necessary element of electrical contracts?

No, this is a watermark protection that serves a dual purpose. Our own defense development. Its goal is that the currently created electronic manual signature can only be linked to the given contract and user (which is formed using a sha-256 hashing algorithm from the information of the contract, the user and the signatures, which will thus become a digital fingerprint). From a security point of view, the contracting partners only see this watermarked image format signature, which cannot be used elsewhere (watermarking is a standard procedure for the stock photo database, if someone were to try to use it, we would be able to determine which contract it comes from).

Can a paper-based contract be completely abandoned?

Yes, it can be omitted, as long as none of their clients opposes or insists on concluding a paper-based contract.

Can the electronic contract be stored in printed form?

Storing electronic contracts in printed form destroys the evidence that guarantees the inviolability and immutability of the content of the contract, so they can only be stored in electronic form in the future. Our system provides the contracts with a registration number, so if your partner stores them in print and is not prepared for electronic storage (which otherwise our system automatically provides him in the form of a cloud-based account) if necessary, he can request the original file from us based on the registration number on the printed form, so he will not violate the regulations in this way, if he does print it out and store it.

Does the system comply with Hungarian legislation?

It operates on the basis of the Electronic Identification and Trust Services Regulation (eiDAS Regulation No. 910/2014/EU) and Hungarian legislation, thus producing legally binding contracts.
The European Parliament and the Council created the 1999/93/EC Directive on electronic signatures and equated the evidential force of traditional and electronic contracts. The laws state that there is no difference in terms of legal effect between electronic and paper contracts.

Can my contracting partner deny or claim that he did not sign the contract?

In the event of possible fraud, a similar procedure is initiated as in the case of paper-based false representation or signature forgery.
In this case, the aggrieved party will be the contractual partner whose data was misused, so he or she must also report the crime to the competent authorities.

What is the co-worker account manager?

You have the option of assigning "co-accounts" to your main account. Co-accounts allow you to outsource certain sub-processes to your staff, such as giving your secretary access to send out contracts or your accountant to download contracts.
You can access the co-worker account service from the "co-worker account manager" menu on the profile page or via the following link:
Associate account manager

Is it possible to upload a corporate stamp image as a signature?

Yes, you can upload such a signature, this function can be found on the second tab of the signature panel. You should put the stamp on a white sheet, then sign it and either take a photo of it directly in the signature panel using a mobile phone or upload it as a scanned image (in jpg or png format).

What services are available in the system?

Without claiming to be complete:

  • Contract generator (contracts with unique variable data generated from a template, the advantage of this is that you no longer have to copy word documents, there is less risk of typos, and it is much faster and simpler)
  • Co-worker accounts (Collaboration tool that supports the division of the work process between internal employees)
  • Contract Branding (Tailoring the appearance of contracts to a unique company image.)
  • Privacy shield (Protection of personal data in accordance with GDPR and CCPA regulations.)
  • Bulk contract manager (Bulk contract creator that can be generated from an excel list.)
  • Integration systems (Automation options, multiple API XML agents for generation and JSON access for data synchronization.)
  • Contracts that can be concluded in person (The contract conclusion process is optimized for contracts concluded in person.)
  • Enhanced customer identifications (Email, telephone, e-personal case identification)
  • Electronic manual signature protection (Signatures protected with a watermark using our own blockchain process.)
  • Unique messaging channel in contracts (Enables discussion and exchange of messages within contracts.)
  • Activity log and unusual account activity monitor (The system monitors, logs and notifies unusual main account and sub-account activities.)
  • Contract history (The system logs and converts events in contracts into a log.)
  • Password protection of signed pdf contract (pdf password not stored in public cloud database)
  • Contract excel list download (the contract statuses and related partner data can be downloaded into an excel list)

Can I share the contents of my account with my colleagues?

Yes, with the help of our co-worker account function, you can collaboratively share your electronic contracts with your colleagues.
You can access the co-worker account service from the "co-worker account manager" menu on the profile page or via the following link:
Co-worker account manager

What is the "XML Agent API"?

With the help of our API function, our systems can be connected to other external systems, such as a website, CRM or ERP system. Partial or complete contracting processes can be automated, which can be generated from an external system database. Currently, contracts can be created using three API methods. The most efficient way is to use the XML generated from the templates.

What is "Contract repository data sync JSON"?

An integrable information channel, with the help of which contracts can be completely synchronized from our system to another company management system you use. The interface is available in XML form via a JSON link. The link uses a secret key, which is generated by the system from the encrypted hash of the password of the main account.

What is "Privacy Shield"

Our system was created with strict consideration of the GRPR regulations. We want to protect the users of our system from their data falling into unauthorized hands, and to protect the contract makers from accidentally committing a data protection incident during the sending of contracts. We have created a data protection gate that evaluates the situation and prevents unauthorized persons from opening the sent contracts, or from entering personal data into a contract without approval.

What is "Contract Branding" good for?

With the help of Contract Branding, the appearance of sent contracts and related e-mail notifications can be tailored to a unique company image.

What is required to sign a contract?

It requires an internet connection and a device capable of running a browser. For example, mobile phone, tablet or Windows / Mac computer. The electronic manual signatures of the signatories will be added to the concluded contracts, and the information of the identified devices will be authenticated with a qualified signature ( and a time stamp. (Similar to how a cloud-based invoicer verifies issued invoices.)

Should all signatories have an e-ID? What forms the basis of identification?

Identification with e-ID is not absolutely necessary. You can set up 3 levels of identification in our system for a contract. If set, only the person who has identified himself in the designated way can sign the contract. Email and other network and device data are the basic identification. The second level is telephone identification and the third is e-ID login.

Is it possible to use an email / phone number that can be accessed by several people?

Our Terms and Conditions do not allow partners to sign contracts using such tools. It is the individual responsibility of the signatory who has access to the email address or phone number provided.

Can my corporate signature in the copy of the signature address be used?

It is also possible to upload a signature included in such a copy of the signature address, this function can be found on the second tab of the signature panel. You should put the stamp on a white sheet, then sign it and either take a photo of it directly in the signature panel using a mobile phone or upload it as a scanned image (in jpg or png format).

You wrote to Eszerződé regarding a matter presumably intended for the partner who sent you the contract

We would like to inform you that due to data protection and limited customer service capacity, we are unfortunately unable to forward your message. Therefore, it most likely did not reach the intended recipient. Please contact your partner directly (you can find their email address in the contract invitation email).

Eszerződé is an electronic contract platform used by schools and various businesses. A valid subscription is required to utilize the system, otherwise purchased timestamps (időbélyegek) cannot be used.

I forgot my password. What should I do?

Use the following password reset page:
Enter your email address there and follow the instructions.

Alternatively, you can use the “Magic link” feature:, where you can request a one-time login link sent to your registered email address.

Is considered a qualified electronic signature service?

No, the signature generated within the system is considered an “advanced electronic signature,” not a qualified one.

I appear as a business entity in the contract, but I want to sign as a private individual. What should I do?

Please update your profile settings to reflect that you are signing as a private individual. You can do this in the Profile menu. A green confirmation message will indicate successful saving.

These changes will not affect any contracts currently in progress, so you must ask your partner to send a new contract with the updated information.

How do I sign a contract through Eszerződés?

The following video demonstrates the contract signing process: Signing Steps.

I receive a "Page expired" error message when trying to sign. What should I do?

Please refresh (reload) the page and try again. If the issue persists, contact us at our support email address.

Where can I set the language of the contract?

In the template editor, you can select the contract language during creation. When uploading a custom PDF, you can choose the language after the file is uploaded. Language support is only available in our Premium and Enterprise (Nagyvállalati) plans.

Which languages does the system support?

Currently, we support 29 languages (e.g., English, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovak, Ukrainian, German, Spanish, Greek, etc.). This allows your partners to sign contracts in their own language. Language support is included in our Premium and Enterprise plans.

I cannot save a signature sample. What should I do?

You can save, upload, or refresh your signature sample when signing a contract. Click the “Sign” button at the bottom of the contract. A panel will pop up, where you can save or update your signature image. If you upload a scanned paper signature, please note only .jpg or .png formats are accepted.

Where can I create a signature sample?

When you open an in-progress contract awaiting signature, you’ll find the signing panel below the contract text. There, you can record your signature (.jpg or .png). If there are no contracts awaiting your signature yet, you can create a test contract (which you can delete later).

Can I upload a company seal image as a signature?

Yes. On the second tab of the signing panel, you can upload your seal. We recommend stamping it on a white sheet and signing it, then photographing or scanning it in .jpg or .png format and uploading it.

How can I create my signature sample?

When signing a contract, you can create or update a signature sample. If you currently have no contracts to sign, create a test contract. A “Sign” button appears at the bottom of the contract, opening a panel where you can submit your signature. The system accepts .jpg and .png formats only.

How do I send the signed contract back to my partner?

Once you have signed, the contract automatically returns to your partner via the system. There are no further steps required on your end.

Can I delete records from the "Contracts awaiting signature" list?

Yes. While the contract is in “awaiting signature” status, you can delete it, but only one at a time. Open the specific contract, and you will see a delete option on the next page.

The signature in the sent contract is just a single line. How can I fix it?

If the contract is still in progress, you can withdraw your signature and re-sign with a new signature image. If the contract is already “Completed,” you cannot modify the signature; you would need a new contract to correct it.

I don’t see where to enter my company name or information in the contract.

It’s likely you received a “blank” contract. In these cases, the system uses your email address to load form fields for data entry. If these fields don’t appear, ask your partner to send a new contract that includes them.

Do I need a separate contract for this, or can I just proceed as a private individual?

We cannot assist with content-related contract questions; please contact the partner who sent you the contract.

I’d like a phone number to call.

Our customer service phone numbers (weekdays 10:00–16:00 CET):
Support: +36 (20) 770-5598
Complaints: +36 (20) 886 1309

I’d like a support phone number.

Our customer service phone numbers (weekdays 10:00–16:00 CET):
Support: +36 (20) 770-5598
Complaints: +36 (20) 886 1309

If I want to sign on paper, how do I get a printable version?

Our system currently does not support paper-based signing. Please inform the other party if you wish to sign the contract on paper.

How can I delete or archive contracts?

For contracts still in progress (not yet finalized), the sender can delete them by clicking the “expand” button (or similar) in the top-right corner. Completed contracts cannot be deleted, only archived. To archive a contract, open it and find the “Archive” button in the top-right corner.

My partner has a new address. What should I do?

The partner can update their own profile in the Profile menu. However, updates will not affect contracts already in progress. You must send them a new contract with the updated information.

Can I delete a finalized/live contract?

Finalized (“live”) contracts cannot be deleted—only archived. This is due to strict record-keeping requirements. Once archived, the contract is stored in an archive folder rather than the main list.

When my partner clicks “Accept,” the system requests login details, but they have no registration. How can I fix this?

If your partner ever signed a contract before, an automatic free account was created for them. They do not need to remember a password: the invitation email includes a “Magic Link” that allows them to sign in once without additional data. The link is

After updating my profile data, do the templates update automatically?

They only update automatically if you have not hard-coded the fields in the template text. Make sure your templates use dynamic fields. To be safe, review all templates to see if changes are needed.

I signed up for an online course, but the contract says something else. What should I do?

Please inform the partner who sent the contract. They can correct any mistakes and send you a new version. Eszerződé (the operator) cannot modify the content of contracts.

Can my partner send a one-sided declaration if they’re not a subscriber?

If your partner does not have a subscription, then only you (the subscriber) can send a one-sided declaration. If you need the other party to be the declarant, you must create a two-sided contract requiring both signatures. In that scenario, you are the “Receiver” and they are the “Declarant.”

My signature isn’t visible in the panel; the system says there is no signature.

Likely the signature didn’t register properly. Please confirm you actually uploaded/drew your signature. If you’re stuck, contact our support team or call customer service.

Can the recipient (other party) sign a one-sided declaration?

Only the subscriber (the “declarant”) can sign a one-sided declaration. If the other party needs to sign, a two-sided contract is needed. In that scenario, you (the sender) label yourself “Receiver” and them “Declarant.”

I’m the principal (Megbízó) and want to upload a completion certificate without signing it myself. Is that possible?

Only the subscriber can sign a one-sided declaration. If the other party must legally issue or sign it, please send it as a two-sided contract, assigning yourself the “Receiver” role and them the “Declarant.”

Isn’t this a fully digital signature?

The system uses a hybrid approach: a combination of advanced electronic and qualified signatures to streamline the process. For more details, please consult our legal experts.

Could I accidentally upload someone else’s signature?

Using another person’s signature for a contract is considered document forgery, which can lead to criminal proceedings. Please comply with the law!

I need a support phone number to call customer service.

Our customer service phone numbers (weekdays 10:00–16:00 CET):
Support: +36 (20) 770-5598
Complaints: +36 (20) 886 1309

Email: [email protected]

Can I change my existing subscription plan?

Yes, you can upgrade to a higher plan at any time. Any unused portion of your current plan will be credited, so nothing goes to waste.

What happens to the remaining time if I upgrade my plan? (Yearly subscription)

We add the remaining time to the new, higher plan’s subscription period, so you effectively gain extra benefit.

Why is this system good for me? What are the benefits?

Using makes contract signing faster, easier, and more cost-effective. There’s no need for paper documents, mailing costs, or in-person meetings. The system is cloud-based, secure, automatically logs each step of the contracting process, and applies an advanced e-signature and timestamp. See our website for more details.

How do I start using the system?

This video will guide you through the first steps: First Steps Video.

Which plan should I choose?

It depends on how frequently and how many contracts you sign, and whether you need special features (e.g., multiple sub-accounts, integrations, branding). For details and a helpful video, please visit: Plan Selection Video.

My partner can’t fill out the company information in the contract they received.

Only the fields marked as input can be filled out. It’s possible the template includes leftover dotted lines that are misleading. Check the template or resend the contract with correct settings.

Is there an API integration option?

Yes, we offer extensive integration capabilities. This feature is available in our Premium and Enterprise (Nagyvállalati) plans.

How can I add a partner to my partner list?

There is no direct way to add partners. They’re automatically added to your list once you send them a contract.

What does "You have no active membership" mean?

This error message appears when your subscription has expired, or if you are in a sub-account without switching to the main account (in the blue profile menu – “Switch account”).

I cannot see the contract content; it won’t load.

It might be that embedded PDF viewing is disabled in your browser settings. Look for a red warning area below the document, where you can open the PDF separately. You could also try a different browser.

Our company director has multiple businesses. Can we switch between them in the same account?

Yes, but each business needs its own account (subscription). If you have permissions in multiple accounts, you can switch between them via the blue profile menu ("Switch account").

How much does the largest plan cost?

You can find the current plan prices in the Pricing section:

I still don’t know how to sign (again).

Here is a detailed video tutorial: How to Sign a Contract.

I’d like to schedule an appointment for a personal consultation.

Please use our Calendly link to book a time slot:

I’d like to file a complaint!

We have a dedicated line for complaints. You can find the phone number and further information in the Contact section of our website.

I encountered a system error / bug.

Please send us a detailed description of the error and request assistance from our support staff, or call our complaint line (listed in the Contact section).

The contract won’t accept my personal ID/tax number.

It’s possible your partner has entered incorrect details. Please let them know the correct data, so they can send you a new contract. You can find their email address in the contract invitation email.

We had to block our company credit card, so our subscription was interrupted.

No problem. You can renew your subscription anytime on the Pricing page.

Why can I only choose the Mini timestamp package?

You likely have the smallest subscription, which doesn’t allow purchasing larger timestamp packages at a discounted rate.

How can I terminate my contract?

Termination must follow the conditions outlined within the contract. If you are unsure, please consult your partner or a legal expert.

I’m not sure how to sign using my laptop.

You can sign using the signing panel with a mouse or a touchpad. Alternatively, you can upload a pre-existing signature image in .jpg or .png format.

I can’t fill in the fields at the beginning of the contract (for volunteer data), and I can’t sign.

Only the designated input fields need to be filled out. If these fields are missing or not accessible, please ask the sending party for assistance. Sometimes registration is required before these fields become available.

How can I delete my registration?

If you want to delete your account, please email us at [email protected] from your registered email address.

The system says this tax ID is already activated, but we never registered.

If someone has already signed on behalf of your company, the system automatically created a profile. If you don’t know who did it, please contact our support line or request assistance from our customer service.

How do I update the recipient’s info (e.g., my address)?

Any contract that’s already sent out and awaiting signature won’t automatically update if you change your profile. You must first update your own profile, then request a new contract from your partner.

I want to sign as a private individual, but my old business tax ID still appears. How do I remove it?

For contracts already in progress, the data won’t refresh. Ask them to send a new contract after you update your profile to indicate you’re a private individual.

If we run out of timestamps, can we top up immediately?

Yes, you can purchase additional timestamp packages at any time to prevent workflow interruptions. We also send you email notifications when your quota is running low.

Does the system store contracts, or can we download them to our own server?

Our system stores your documents in the cloud, but you can download them anytime. You’ll also receive them via email attachments.

Is this platform entirely online, or do I need to install something?

It is entirely cloud-based. No installation is required.

Does it work for a foreign company, or must it be a Hungarian company?

Foreign businesses can also register; there is no restriction.

I didn’t provide my company info. How can I update it?

Please go to Profile and modify your details. This will not affect contracts currently in progress, so you must ask your partner to send you a new one.

Dear Pannon Kincstár (or another company), why did I receive a new contract and I cannot log into the government portal (ügyfélkapu)?

You likely wrote to the wrong party: your question is actually meant for the contracting partner, not us. Please contact them directly (their email is in the invitation). Eszerződé is merely the platform provider and cannot forward your message to them.

How do I modify the data for an email address that’s already registered?

In the Profile menu, you can change your details. These changes do not retroactively affect contracts already in progress.

We’d like to send a contract that the other party only signs without filling out anything. Is it possible?

Yes, if you don’t mark any input fields in the template, the other party will only see the “Sign” button. Once you create the contract, the system automatically sends it to them.

What are the package prices?

Our current plans and pricing can be found here: Pricing Page. Scroll down for more details.

How can I correct my signature if the contract hasn’t been finalized yet?

If the contract is still “in progress,” you can withdraw your existing signature and re-sign. In the signing panel (3 tabbed sections), you can also update the signature image.

The system says my email address does not exist, but I’m sure it does.

Sometimes the browser’s auto-complete can cause issues. Try typing your email manually instead of selecting from a drop-down suggestion.

Where can I find my adult education (felnőttképzési) contract?

You should receive an invitation email. Check your spam folder as well. If you already have an Eszerződé account, log in and look under “My Contracts” (Szerződéseim).

I realize the question was for the contracting partner, not for us.

You likely wrote to the wrong party. Eszerződé only provides the technical infrastructure for contract execution; we can’t help with contract content or redirect your message. Please contact your partner directly.

I can’t find my invoices or orders.

Invoices are sent via email (using You can also access them in Profile » My Orders here: My Orders.

When signing on mobile, my screen won’t rotate.

Please disable the screen rotation lock on your phone. It’s usually found in the quick settings panel (alongside flashlight, Wi-Fi, etc.).

How do I grant sub-account access to my colleagues?

In your Profile page, under the “Sub-accounts” (Társfiók) section, you can add new users with limited or full permissions. Direct link: Sub-account Manager.

I forgot my password and can’t log in.

Use the “Magic link” feature: Enter your email address to receive a one-time login link.

How can I fix my incorrect personal data?

In the Profile menu. This will not affect any contracts already in progress; you would need to request new contracts with updated information.

How do I sign my contract?

Here is a video tutorial: Contract Signing.

What is the “Adatvédelmi pajzs” (Data Protection Shield)?

Eszerződé is compliant with the GDPR regulations. We have included an additional data protection “gateway” to prevent unauthorized individuals from viewing contracts or causing data breaches.

Does eszerződé provide trust services?

No, we are not a trust service provider ourselves. However, the system uses qualified and advanced electronic signature services from external certified providers.

Can an electronic contract be stored in printed form?

A printed copy does not preserve the document’s electronic integrity or evidential value. Legally, the original electronic document is what matters. If you do print it, reference the electronic file’s ID number.

What is the “Szerződéstár adatszinkron JSON” (Contract Repository Data Sync JSON)?

It is an integration channel allowing contract data to be exported in JSON format. This way, your external systems (CRM/ERP) can synchronize with

What do I need to sign a contract?

You need internet access and a device running a web browser (phone, tablet, PC, Mac). Each signature is applied with a timestamp and a qualified certificate for validity.

Is a contract created on eszerződé considered “in writing”?

Yes. Our system applies a qualified timestamp and an advanced electronic signature, meeting the legal criteria under Hungarian Civil Code (Ptk. 6:7. § (3)) for written form.

What is a timestamp (időbélyeg)?

A timestamp proves that a document existed at a certain point in time, ensuring the signing date cannot be disputed. Each contract requires one timestamp. Timestamp packages can be purchased separately: Buy timestamps.

What is “Contract Branding”?

It allows you to customize the appearance of your contracts (logo, corporate colors, style) and the related email notifications to match your brand.

Can I use the same signature as on my company’s official signature card?

Yes, you can upload the company seal and signature. On the second tab in the signing panel, you can attach a .jpg or .png image of the stamped and signed page.

What services are available in the system?

For example:
– Contract generation from templates
– Sub-accounts for multi-user collaboration
– Contract Branding (custom corporate design)
– Data Protection Shield (GDPR compliance)
– Mass contract creation (from Excel)
– Integrations (API, XML, JSON)
– Enhanced client identification (email, phone, eID)
– Full contract history logs, archiving, etc.

Can paper-based contracts be completely phased out?

Yes, if all parties agree to electronic contracting, there is no need for paper.

Is signature protection a mandatory element of electronic contracts?

Not mandatory, but recommended for security. Our system generates a watermark linking the signature exclusively to that contract, making it harder to reuse elsewhere.

May I use a shared (team-accessible) email or phone number?

Our Terms of Service generally discourage this because each signature is the personal responsibility of the signer. We strongly recommend using a personal, secure email and phone.

Do all signers need an eID card (e-személyi)? How are they identified?

Not necessarily. We support three levels of identification: basic (email), phone-based, and eID card. Using an eID card is optional but available.

Can I share my account with my coworkers?

Yes, using our Sub-account feature. Go to “Profile” then “Sub-account Manager” (Társfiók kezelő) to add new users with specific permissions.

What is the "XML Agent API"?

Our API allows external systems (e.g., a website, CRM, ERP) to automatically create and send contracts. Currently, we offer three API methods; template-based XML generation is the most efficient.

Does the system comply with Hungarian laws?

Yes, it operates under the 910/2014/EU (eIDAS) regulation and Hungarian legislation, making electronically signed contracts legally equivalent to paper versions.

What is the "Sub-account Manager" (Társfiók kezelő)?

Sub-accounts let multiple team members assist in contract creation, each with assigned permissions. Access it from Profile » Sub-account Manager.

Could my partner deny signing the contract, claiming it wasn’t them?

Similar to paper-based forgeries, using someone else’s signature is a crime. Our system logs all activities, but if fraud occurs, the wronged party must take legal action.

What advantages does eszerződé offer for my business?

Time and cost savings, simpler client management, legal security, transparent tracking, and digital archiving are among the main benefits. For more details, visit our website.

Which services do you provide?

Electronic contract creation, contract management, automated notifications, GDPR-compliant storage, API integrations, and customer support. The platform is continuously improving with new features.

Can your services be adapted for different industries?

Yes, the system is flexible and scalable. It can adjust to various industry-specific requirements, and you can set up unique templates and solutions.

How do you ensure service quality and reliability?

We use modern technology, robust encryption, regular maintenance, updates, an expert team, and ongoing customer support to maintain high-quality, reliable service.

Where can I find my contract, and how do I check if I signed successfully?

• You will receive an email titled “Contract Completed,” with the PDF attached.
• Log in to and check “My Contracts.”
• Ask your partner if they see your signature.
• If you’re unsure, email us your contract ID, and we’ll check the status for you.

I click on the contract link and get a 404 error.

This indicates the partner has deleted the contract. Please request that they send you a new one.

I cannot find the contract that I need to sign.

Ask your partner if they sent it and check your spam folder. If you have an Eszerződés account, log in and look under “My Contracts.” If it’s not there, ask them to resend.

The site/contract page won’t load.

This may be due to a weak internet connection or browser issue. Try a different browser or device.

I’m on my phone, but the embedded PDF isn’t visible.

Many mobile browsers don’t support embedded PDFs. There should be a button to open the PDF separately. We apologize for the inconvenience.

I received a security alert about a login. What should I do?

We send these whenever a new IP address or device logs in. If you suspect it wasn’t you, change your password immediately (and possibly your email password). You can also review the Activity Log to see all actions taken.

How does the mass contract feature work?

Please visit the following page for a step-by-step guide: Mass Contract Creation.

I want to create a loan agreement.

Read about creating a new contract here: Creating a Contract. You can also use one of our template resources: Template Library.

My phone number changed.

Please update it in your Profile. Note that this will not affect contracts already in progress.

I’m looking for my contract but can’t find it.

Check your Eszerződés account. If you manage multiple sub-accounts, ensure you’re in the correct one. If you’ve forgotten your password, use the Magic link.

I’m not receiving the confirmation email when registering a new account.

• Log in with your chosen email/password (or via Magic Link).
• Go to Profile and click “Send new confirmation email.”
• Check your spam folder. Once confirmed, you’ll have full access to your contracts.

Where can I provide details for the authorized company representative?

This pertains to the contracting party’s needs. We, at eszerződé, only provide the technical platform. Please contact the partner directly.

Clicking the “View or Sign Contract” link in the email only takes me to the homepage.

Try logging into your Eszerződés account and opening the contract under “My Contracts.” Alternatively, try a different browser or device.

I’d like to delete my profile.

Please email [email protected] from your registered email address requesting profile deletion.

How can I sign if I don’t have a touchscreen?

You may sign using a mouse or laptop touchpad, or upload an existing signature image (.jpg or .png).

If I pay annually, can I use the 48 timestamps within one month?

Yes, in the annual (Mini) plan, you receive 48 timestamps, which you can use anytime throughout the year. Each contract uses one timestamp.

In a sub-account, how can I change my name or photo?

You can edit your personal data in your own profile (Profile menu). Changes apply only to the currently logged-in user.

I’d like to leave a review or rating for the contract.

The contract rating feature was removed due to GDPR changes. If you wish to give feedback, please contact your partner directly.

If a PDF contract already signed by the other party is signed by us, their signature disappears. Why?

This may happen if the contract was reopened and re-generated or edited, which invalidates the other party’s signature. If that didn’t happen, please contact us with the contract ID so we can investigate.

Can I set a time limit (e.g., sign within 2 weeks) for the contract?

You can specify a deadline in the contract text, but the system does not automatically expire or close contracts based on that date. You can manually send reminders or use a custom integration via API.

Is there a free plan?

Yes. You can use our system for free to receive and sign contracts. A subscription is only required if you want to create/send contracts (which consumes timestamps). New registrations also get a 14-day trial with 2 timestamps.

I want to send a contract, but the recipient unsubscribed from emails. What can I do?

Please contact our customer service line at +36 (20) 886 1309. Our staff can check their unsubscribe status and restore it if the recipient consents.

When sending an email via API, what data does the system request from the recipient?

Entering an ID number is no longer required. By default, only name, email, and optionally phone are requested, though you can configure additional fields as needed.

How do I cancel or modify my subscription?

In the My Orders menu (Profile » Rendeléseim), you can view your previous orders and modify or cancel your subscription at any time.

Can I switch from monthly to annual billing (and vice versa)?

Yes. You can switch between annual or monthly billing at any time under the My Orders menu.

I see a 419 error, session expired.

This indicates that the security token has expired. If you are logged into multiple accounts simultaneously, token conflicts can occur. Try an incognito window or log out from other accounts.

If I archive contracts, are they still accessible? What if my subscription expires?

Yes, archived contracts appear under the “Archived” tab in “My Contracts.” We store them for 8 years, and you can download them at any time.

I’m a new customer and want to pay by bank transfer, but the system won’t let me. What am I missing?

For monthly subscriptions, only credit card payment is supported. For yearly subscriptions, we can issue a proforma invoice (díjbekérő) for bank transfer.

The same contract needs to be signed by four different people on the same page. Is that possible?

Multi-signer (multi-party) contracts are available in the Premium and Enterprise plans. When creating the contract, you can specify how many signers there are, and the system will prompt each party in sequence.

I used to have subscriptions for two different companies, but now I want to use a new company name with the same email address. The system won’t let me.

To avoid mixing data, we recommend separate accounts for separate companies. Alternatively, ask your partner to send the contract to the new company email address associated with your new business name.

For an annual subscription, do unused timestamps carry over?

Yes, they can roll over to the next period, but only if you renew your subscription so you can keep using them.

How do I delete a contract?

A finalized contract cannot be deleted, only archived. Please see How it Works or this link for details: Archiving a contract.

I see incorrect data in the form fields (I attached an example).

It’s likely only partially saved. Please register your profile fully (Registration) and then re-enter the correct information.

Which plan do you recommend?

In the “Pricing” section, there’s a questionnaire/comparison chart that helps you find the right plan based on how many contracts you sign monthly and which features you need.

Where can I find pricing and plan descriptions?

Please visit the pricing page to see the various plans (Mini, Közepes, Premium, Enterprise).

Can I have both annual and monthly subscriptions at the same time?

Yes, the system supports multiple parallel subscriptions, but it’s usually not necessary. We recommend choosing the model that suits you best.

Can I buy additional features separately?

Yes, on the pricing page you will find extra features (e.g., additional timestamps, branding, API) available for individual purchase.

Where can I find the timestamp packages?

Additional timestamp packages can be purchased at: Timestamp Purchase.

Why can’t I purchase the larger timestamp package?

If you have a smaller subscription plan, you’re not eligible to buy the larger discount timestamp package. Upgrade to a higher plan to unlock these options.

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